Health Scheme

List of Diseases for OPD Treatment under West Bengal Health Scheme

West Bengal Health Scheme covers a lot of diseases or illness including indoor or OPD for treatment. The clause 7(1) of the West Bengal Health Scheme (Memo No 7287-F Dated, 19/09/2008) describes the list of Diseases for OPD Treatment under West Bengal Health Scheme. The list is updated time to time with the inclusion of new diseases/ illness.

What is West Bengal Health Scheme?

West Bengal Health Scheme is a health insurance scheme for West Bengal Government Employees, Pensioners, and Family Pensioners. This scheme covers both the indoor and OPD treatment for reimbursement of the treatment cost. The scheme also have a cashless facility.

List of Diseases for OPD Treatment under WBHS

Here is the list of diseases for OPD Treatment under West Bengal Health Scheme:-

Diseases CodeDiseases Name
(i)Malignant diseases
(iii)Hepatitis B/C and other liver diseases
(iv)Insulin dependent diabetes (Type-2 Diabetic Melitas is not considered as insulin dependent diabetes)
(v)Heart diseases
(vi)Neurological disorder/Cerebrovascular disorders
(vii)Malignant Malaria
(viii)Previously, Renal failure
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Stage 2 & onwards [99-F(MED) WB, 16.07.2024]
(ix)Thallasaemia/Bleeding orders/Platelet disorders
(x)Injuries caused by accident(including animal bite)
(xi)Rheumatoid Arthritis
(xii)Systematic Lupus Erytthematous (LUPUS)
(xiii)Crohn’s Disease
(xiv)Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal Treatment)
(xv)COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
(xvi)Ankylosing Spondylitis
(xviii)Neuropsychiatric Disorders, that is to say:
-Bipolar Affective Disorder
-Major Depressive Disorder
-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
-Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
-Hyperkinetic Disorder (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD)
List of Diseases for OPD Treatment under WBHS

View: Inclusion of COVID-19 in the OPD List under West Bengal Health Scheme


Is OPD treatment reimbursable in West Bengal Health Scheme?

Yes, there is a list of 17 diseases which are reimbursable in the West Bengal Health Scheme including COVID-19, COPD, diabetes, Tuberculosis etc.

Is OPD treatment of COVID-19 is reimbursable under WB Health Scheme?

Yes, COVID-19 is added as the 17th disease of reimbursable OPD List under Clause 7(1) of West Bengal Health Scheme.

Is COPD diseases reimbursable in West Bengal Health Scheme?

Yes, COPD disease is in the list of Clause 7 (1) of West Bengal Health Scheme.

Is OPD treatment of diabetes reimbursable under West Bengal Health Scheme?

Only insulin dependent diabetes treatment is reimbursable under West Bengal Health Scheme.


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  1. We are female employees, so many employees are suffering from gynecological problem and treatment done in OPD basis, but there is no medical reimbursement system.please look after the mater.

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