Allowed 200 People in Marriage and Mela allowed in West Bengal

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Title: Notification regarding additional restriction and relaxation measures in the State till 31st Jan 2022

Government of West Bengal
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah -711102



Dated: 15/01/2022

Whereas, in order to contain spread of COVID-19 pandemic, state government vide order No
753/XVII/-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 02/01/2022 read with subsequent orders notified certain
restriction and relaxation measures and advisory in terms of the provisions under Disaster
Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020,
which are in force till 15/01/2022.

Whereas, after a review of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic and the concerns due
to new COVID-19 variant “Omicron”, State Executive Committee of West Bengal State
Disaster Management Authority recommended to continue with the current restrictions in force
and allow graded relaxations as necessary.

Accordingly, in terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West
Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, restriction and relaxation measures and
advisory as already in force vide aforesaid orders stand extended up to 31/01/2022.
Further, following additional relaxations are hereby notified with effect from 16/01/2022:

i) Marriage related functions shall be allowed with a maximum of 200 people at a
time or 50% seating capacity of the hall / venue, whichever is lower.
ii) Mela / fair may be allowed in open air venue in a very restricted manner, following
COVID appropriate discipline and protocols.
Wearing of masks, maintenance of physical distancing and health & hygiene protocol must be
followed at all times.
District administration, police commissionerates and local authorities shall ensure strict
compliance of the stated directives. Any violation of the restriction measures will be liable to
be proceeded against as per the provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and under Indian
Penal Code.

Chief Secretary

Download No-753/XX-ISS/2M-22/2020, Source

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