
ROPA 2019 Calculator

ROPA 2019 Calculator
ROPA 2019 Calculator

ROPA 2019 Calculator showing the exact calculation of Salary of West Bengal Govt Employees after effect of 6th pay commission from 01/01/2020.
Government of West Bengal,  Finance Department,  Audit Branch releases notification of ROPA 2019, including Pay fixation, Pay Matrix of 6th pay commission. In this Calculator, you can find the Gross Salary as on 01/01/2020.

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Note: Promotional fixation, Gradation, NPA calculation is not reflected in this calculator. We are working for it. Please stay with us.

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  1. Make calculator for Primary teachers salary after pay commission, nd impact of gradepay change in new ropa

  2. But who joined after 01.08.18 then what will be their cases?Which BP and GP will be considered nad for them how to calculate the salary?

  3. I being an Employee of the Government of West Bengal am zealously awaiting your comment/notfication.

  4. I got promotion on March 2018 GP was Rs.5400. My basic pay including GP was 25080 on 1.1.2016(GP 4800). What will be my revised pay?

  5. My Current pay 1/9/2019 BP + GP = 7770+2300 = 10070 ruppee atlist 1/1/2020 total pay ???????? My Job Pòst. W.B.P

  6. Will the increased Gratuity be applicable to the employee retired on January 2016 ? Shall the Fitment Factor be applied in calculating the revised pension of that employee?

  7. My present pay in PB3 is₹13,820/- & Grade Pay is ₹3,600/-. On 1st day o f January, 2016 was ₹11,860/- in the same Payband with same Grade Pay of ₹3,600/- . Sir, will you kindly let me know my revised Basic Pay that can be on1/01/2020 implementing ROPA’2019 Please.
    Thanking you in anticipation .

  8. Accha pay band bolte ki bojhai. basic pay+gp jog kore ki pay band hoi. Na Basic pay ta kei pay band bojhai. Thik bujte parchina.

  9. ple. My BP (4900-16200) +GP 1700. Calcultor Ropa 2019 , atlist my salary 01/01/2020 ???????

  10. Primary H. T. Joining date 22/07/2000.join as H. T. 31/12/2012.complete 18 years on July 2018.please calculate my revision pay as per ropa 2019.

  11. I am an employee of west bengal government. As on 01-01-2016 my BP-Rs.15330/- + Gr. pay Rs.3900/- and I have got promoted to next post, so change of my Grade Pay from Rs. 3900/- to Rs.3950/- on 28-12-2016. At present of my BP-Rs. 17770/- & Gr. Pay Rs.3950/- as on 01-01-2019. Kindly let me know actual basic pay as on 01-01-2020 under ROPA 2019.

  12. In case of assistant head master, current band pay is 23000,garade pay is 4800 , additional grade pay is 200, what will be the calculation? Joined the post in jan, 2011.

  13. My joining date 24.08.2018. At present my band pay is 5100 & Grade is 1700.
    How will be my gross payment after pay comision?

  14. I am an employee of west Bengal government. As on 01-01-2016 my BP-Rs. 18,560/- + Gr. pay Rs. 4700/- and I have got promotion to next post, so change of my Grade Pay from Rs. 4700/- to Rs. 5400/- on 19-07-16. At present of my BP-Rs. 22,350/- & Gr. Pay Rs. 5400/- as on 01-07-2019. Now, let me know the actual basic pay as on 01-01-2020 under ROPA 2019.

  15. I am an employee of West Bengal Government. As on 01.01.2016 my BP-6450/- GP-1800/- and I have got 3 nos of promotion. 2017 of 2 nos 23.03.2017 BP-6700/- GP- 1900/- and 24.04.2017 BP 6700/- GP- 2600/- w.e.f. 01.07.2017 BP- 7230/- GP- 2600 and 01.07.2018. BP- 7800/- GP- 2600/- and next promotion 25.09.2019 BP-8450/- GP-3600/-. Now, let me know the actual Basic pay as on 01.01.2020. under
    ROPA 2019

  16. I am an employee of WB GOVT. As on 01.01.2016 my BP Rs.10420 + Rs.2900 and I have got CAS on 01.07.18…so change if my GP from 2900 to 3200 and BP Rs.12110..
    At present my BP Rs. 12110 & Gr. Pay Rs. 3200 as on 01.01.2019….
    Kindly let me know actual basic pay as on 01.01.2020 under ROPA 2019

  17. I joined as SAHAYAK (Panchayat) on 29/01/2002
    Promotion to the post of G.P.Secretary on 07/07/2017 ,P.B.2 Rs. 5400-25200 ,Grade Pay Rs. 2600 (ROPA 2009)
    Kindely let me know actual B.P. as on 01/01/2020 under ROPA 2019

  18. I am retired from govt. service on31.08.2018. My pay was 01.01.2016 Rs. 17470/- Grade pay was Rs. 4400/- in tha pay scale of Rs. 9000/- 57000/-
    Kindly calculate my pension as well as commutation value, gratuity, leave salary any my option date.

  19. My joning 27/7/2000 then my grade pay was 2300 but now 1/8/2019 my grade pay is 3600/-and I received 18 years benefits then total increment 5 what is my present salary 1/1/20

  20. 01.01.2016 my B pay was 11680, and G pay was 2900 – 01.07.16 Bpay 12190 and G pay 2900 got CAS 20 yrs Benefit on October 2017 , July 2019 my Bpay is 14040 and G pay 3200 what will be my Basic pay on 01.01.20 and gross salary ? What is the option for me preferred to gain . Please let me know in details.With thanks.

  21. I am an employee as Gram Panchayat Secretary, joined on 03.09.1997. As on 01.01.2016, my Basic pay was Rs. 11680 and Grade pay Rs.2900. I have got 20 yrs. CAS benefit in October 2017 and then was Rs.13040 and Rs. 3200. Now as in July 2019 my RS. 14040 and Rs. 3200. Please let me know in detail what’s my and gross salary in January 2020. as Ropa 2019. Thanking you.

  22. Sir,
    My date of Joining in Panchayat as Executive Assistant,Gram panchayat(West Bengal) was 24th November, 2017.

    My pay scale 7100-37600 & GP 3600.
    What is my salary according to ROPA 2019
    Hasan Al Banna

  23. Sir.
    My date of joining Municipality as Pump Operator, Municipality (WB)was 8th August 2019.
    My pay scale 5400-25200 & G Pay 2300.
    What is my salary according to ROPA 2019.
    Arabinda Roy

  24. Kindly inform me about actual Basic pay/fixation on 01.01.2020.
    01.01.16 rs.27420 and 1.7.16 two times increment (date of appointment 16.7.1996).I am an assistant techer in master degree scale which grade pay rs.4600

  25. My Current Basic Pay is Rs 18620 and Grade Pay is Rs. 3900.00 and the pay level is 9. Therefore, please let me know from January 1, 2020, what is my gross pay. Please let me know at the earliest?

  26. After completion of 25yars of continuous service with MCAS ’01 with effect from 01/06/2005 promoted to the of DICO on 7/4/2006 in the scale of Pay 5,500-11,325 (Scale No.14, ROPA’98) which was subsequently upgraded to Rs.8000-13,500/- (Scale No.16 under ROPA’98)
    The West Bengal Information & Cultural Service and integrated State Service declared by the Government on 25/2/2016. And come into force on same date. All Officers holding different post under pre-revised scale No.16,17 and 18 were included into the Service. Accordingly I included in to the same service from 25/2/2016 in the scale No.16.
    After continues satisfactory service without any promotion /MCAS between 7/4/2006 and 25/2/2016 department allowed benefit of MCAS’01 for 8 years of service in the Pay Band 4A of Rs.15600—42000/- with G Pay Rs.6,600/- w.e.f 25/02/2016 vide FD Memo. No.3015-F dated 13/03/2001 read with 3669-ICA dated 25/9/18.
    So w.e.f 1/7/15 Pay fixed Rs.27,740/- (Rs.BP Rs.22340, GP 5400/- in the Pay Band 4B4A of Rs.15,600—42000 under WBS (ROPA) Rules’09 as Assistant Director.
    As per option MCAS w.e.f 1/7/2016 Pay fixed Rs.30640 (BP Rs.24,040 + G Pay Rs.6,600/-)w.e.f 1/07/2016 in the Pay Band Rs.15600—42,000/- with G Pay Rs.6,600/-under MCAS’01,for completion of 8 years without any promotion. On 1/7/2017 in the same Pay Band reached at Rs.31,560/-(BP Rs.24,960/-+ GP Rs.6,600/-
    After promotion as DD (Category B) w.e.f 01/12/2017 in the Pay band PB 4A Rs.15600/—42,00/- with G P Rs.6,600/- vide Dept. notification eligible to get promotional fixation benefit in the promotional post of Dy. Director and submit option w.e.f 01/12/2017 on the date of promotion. Pay fixed at Rs.32,510/- (BP Rs.25,910/-+ Grade Pay Rs.6,600/-w.e.f 1/12/2017 Pay band PB 4A of Rs.15600/- 42,000/- with GP Rs.6,600/-(Rule 11 of WBS (ROPA)Rules’09 read with para 3 of F D M No.2728F dt. 07/04/2009. Such as pay reached Rs.33,490/-(BP Rs.26890+ GP 6,600/-) w.e.f 01/07/01/07/2018 in the same pay band and normal increment.
    Date of entry in servce 24/1/80. date of Superannuation 31/01/2019
    1) Please calculate pay etc as per New Pay commission
    2) My Pension not yet revised after getting promotion.SB is now at AG. So my basic pension is Rs.15165/- As.Emoluments for F P Rs.30.330/-(BP Rs24930/-+GP Rs.5400/-)Please calculate my revised Pension as per New Pay commission . 3) Ihave received Gratuity of Rs.6,00,000/- as previous order. Please calculate revised Gratuity as New Pay Commission. Please guide me.

  27. I am a retired person since 1/7/16. Up to June-2016 I received salary on basic pay Rs. 26590 (under PB 4A 15600 – 42000 & GP 5400) with other permissible allowances. Kindly inform me about actual Basic pay/fixation on 01.01.16. Whether I am eligible to get benefit from my employer for the period from 1.1.16 to 1.6.16. Please guide me.

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