Revision of the existing Career Advancement Scheme as per the provision laid down in Note-2 below Rule-11 of the WBS(ROPA) Rules, 2019
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No.6042-F(P2) | Dated, 7 th November, 2019. |
It has been observed that the criterion for admissibility of the benefit of career advancement scheme published vide Memo. No-6075-F dt. 21.06.1990 since modified vide Memo. No-3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 and the provisions for fixation of pay on such benefits, which were prescribed keeping in view the pay structure (scales of pay ) as were in force at that time, no longer match with the present structure of pay introduced through the WBS(ROPA)Rules, 2019. Keeping in view such fact and the provisions laid down in Note-2 below Rule -11 of the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to revise the existing career advancement scheme for State Govt, employees in the manner as indicated in the following paragraphs and the scheme so revised shall be effective in respect of an existing government employee notionally from a date on which he opts to come under the revised pay structure under the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019 and actually from 01.01.2020 and in respect of a new entrant who joined service on or after 01.01.2016, this scheme will be effective from the date of publication of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019.
2. Subject to fulfilment of usual norms of promotion and also subject to the provisions as undernoted, a government employee directly appointed to a post borne in revised Level-1 to 15 in the Pay Matrix of the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019 or its corresponding pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay/scales of pay under the previous WBS(ROPA) Rules, is entitled to move to the first, second and third higher Level in relation to the basic Level, as shown in the annexure to this Memo., on completion of continuous and satisfactory service of 8 (eight), 16 (sixteen) and 25 (twenty five) years respectively.
i) (a) A government employee, who has not got any promotion within 8 (eight) years of service, will move to the first higher Level from the date of completion of 8 years of service, (b) if such employee has got one or more promotion (s) (functional/non-functional) below the second higher Level within 16 years of service, he will move to the second higher Level from the date of completion of 16 years of service and (c) if such an employee has got two or more promotions (functional/non-functional) below the third higher Level within 25 years of service, he will move to the third higher Level from the date of completion of 25 years of service.
In each of the above cases, the employee will get his pay fixed either from the date of entitlement or from the date of next increment as per his option. (A) In case the employee opts to get his pay fixed from the date of entitlement, then on the date of entitlement one increment shall be added to the existing pay (in the lower Level) of the employee and he shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the higher Level to which he moves and if no such Cell is available in the higher Level, he shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level. His next increment will fall due on the 1 st July on completion of at least six months service from the date of such fixation. (B) In case the employee opts to get his pay fixed from the date of next increment, then on the date of entitlement, there will be no interim pay fixation and after allowing the normal annual increment on 1 st July the procedure indicated at (A) above shall be followed.
ii) (a) A government employee, who has got only one promotion (functional/non-functional) before completion of 16 years of service in a Level higher than the first higher Level, will not be allowed to move further higher Level except pay fixation benefit of one increment in the same Level from the date of completion of 16 years of service without having any scope of option and (b) likewise, a government employee, who has got only two benefits before completion of 25 years of service in the form of pay fixation in the same Level as at (a) above or promotion(s) (functional/non-functional) – one of which in a Level higher than the second higher Level, will not be allowed to move further higher Level except pay fixation benefit of one increment in the same Level from the date of completion of 25 years of service without having any scope of option. In each of the cases mentioned herein, the employee will get next increment on next 1 st July whether he completes six months service or not.
iii) A government employee, who, after availing 1 st /2 nd /3 rd higher Level on completion of 8/16 /25 years of service gets promotion (functional/non-functional) in the same Level, will get pay fixation benefit of one increment in the same Level from the date of such promotion and he will get next increment on next 1 st July whether he completes six months service or not.
iv) When a government employee is promoted to a post carrying lower Level than the Level he is holding due to non-functional movement, he shall be allowed to retain the higher Level in the promotion post as personal to him and his pay on promotion shall be fixed by allowing one increment from the date of such promotion and he will get next increment on next 1 st July whether he completes six months service or not.
v) When the Level of a promotion post is same as that of the feeder post, it will be treated as the Level of the feeder post for the purpose of operation of the provisions of this Memo.
vi) (a) A pass graduate teacher of a government school who has got the benefit of movement to a Level (scale) similar to or above the second/third higher Level on the basis of higher qualification acquired during service will not get any further movement to higher Level except fixation benefit of one increment on each occasion of completion of 16 and 25 years of service with the date of next increment remaining the same. However, such a teacher if acquires such higher qualification after getting 1 st higher Level on completion of 8 years of service will get pay fixation benefit in the same manner on completion of 25 years of service only and if such higher qualification is acquired after 16 years of service no further benefit is available on completion of 25 years of service, (b) An Assistant Master of a government school who before getting 1 st higher Level on completion of 8 years of service has got the benefit of movement to a Level next above on the basis of higher qualification acquired during the service will only be eligible to move to second and third higher Level on completion of 16 and 25 years of service respectively with pay fixation benefit in the manner as indicated in preceding para 2 (i). (c) An Assistant Master of government school who acquires higher qualification after availing 1 st higher Level on completion of 8 years of service will be eligible for movement to 2 nd and 3 rd higher Level on completion of 16 years and 25 years of service respectively with pay fixation benefit in the manner as indicated in preceding para 2(i).
3. (a) (i) Subject to fulfilment of usual norms of promotion, a government employee not belonging to any State Constituted Service, directly appointed to a post borne in the revised Level 16 in the Pay Matrix of the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019 or its corresponding pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay/scale of pay under the previous WBS(ROPA) Rules, is entitled to move to Level 17 and Level-19 (as indicated in the annexure to this Memo.) from the date of completion of continuous and satisfactory service of 8 (eight) and 16 (sixteen) respectively provided he has not reached Level-17 during 8 years, Level-19 during 16 years of service by way of promotion or otherwise. In such cases the manner of pay fixation shall be same as indicated in the preceding para 2 (i).
(ii) Subject to fulfilment of usual norms of promotion, a government employee belonging to any State Constituted Service, directly appointed to a post borne in the revised Level 16 in the Pay Matrix of the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019 or its corresponding pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay/scale of pay under the previous WBS(ROPA) Rules, is entitled to move to Level 17, Level-19 and Level 21 (as indicated in the annexure to this Memo.) from the date of completion of continuous and satisfactory service of 8 (eight), 16 (sixteen) and 25 (twenty five) years respectively provided he has not reached Level-17 during 8 years, Level-19 during 16 years and Level-21 during 25 years of service by way of promotion or otherwise. In such cases the manner of pay fixation shall be same as indicated in the preceding para 2 (i).
N.B. In the case of State Constituted Service other than WBSS, the period 8 years, 16 years and 25 years of service in respect of a member shall count from the date of joining such State Constituted Service either by direct recruitment or by promotion irrespective of the fact that such a promotee member has got any promotion or movement through CAS/MCAS in his feeder service.
(b) (ii) Subject to fulfilment of usual norms of promotion, a government employee whether belonging to any State Constituted Service or not, directly appointed to a post borne in the revised Level- 17 or Level – 18 in the Pay Matrix of the WBS(ROPA) Rules,2019 or its corresponding pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay/scale of pay under the previous WBS(ROPA) Rules, is only entitled to move to Level-19 (as indicated in the annexure to this Memo.) from the date of completion of 8 (eight) years provided he has not reached Level-19 during 8 years of service by way of promotion or otherwise. In such cases the manner of pay fixation shall be same as indicated in the preceding para 2 (i).
(c) Any employee as mentioned above when appointed to a post carrying same Level as that of the Level he is enjoying due to non-functional movement will get pay fixation benefit of one increment from the date of such appointment with next increment on 1 st July after completion of at least six months service.
(d) When an employee mentioned in sub paras (a) and (b) above, is promoted to a post carrying lower Level than the Level (as per annexure to this Memo.) he is holding due to non-functional movement, he shall be allowed to retain the higher Level in the promotion post as personal to him and his pay on promotion shall be fixed by allowing one increment from the date of such promotion with next increment on 1 st July after completion of at least six months service.
4. In respect of the State Constituted Services availability of posts in Level – 21 (Pre-revised Grade Pay Rs. 8700/- / Scale No. 19), Level – 22 (pre-revised Grade Pay Rs. 8900/- / Scale No. 20) and Level – 24 (Pre-revised Grade Pay Rs. 10000/- / Scale No. 21) as have been sanctioned in terms of Memo No. 6075 – F dated 21.06.1990 read with Memo No. 3015 – F dated 13.03.2001 and subsequent orders issued by Finance Department and various administrative departments (with the concurrence of F.D.) from time to time and eligibility criterion for admissibility of such higher Levels (Pay Scales) as prescribed therein or prescribed by any subsequent orders shall remain in force.
5. The orders allowing higher Levels as per this Memo in respect of the employees directly appointed to the posts borne in Level 13 and above in the Pay Matrix including the members of the State Constituted Service shall be issued by the respective administrative departments and in respect of others by the Head of Office.
6. If a regular promotion in due course is refused by an employee before he is entitled to movement to the higher Level or any pay fixation benefit in the same Level as per the provisions of this Memo., he shall not be allowed movement to higher Level or any pay fixation benefit because he has not been put to stagnate due to lack of promotional opportunity.
7. The period of service which does not count for increment will not be taken into account for computing 8/16/25 years of service for the purpose of this Memo.
8. All previous Orders/Memo.s /Clarifications issued in connection with admissibility of CAS/MCAS stand modified to the extent of the provisions of this Memo.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

Source: West Bengal Finance Department