Download e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22

Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal published a notice/ circular regarding publication of e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22. This notice is very important for all Government Employees of West Bengal having GPF account number. Here is the summary of the notice/ circular:

Summary of the Notice/Circular

Notice/circular no.FM/CH-III/GPF Statement/2022-23/out-18
Date: 11/08/2022
Published by:Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal
Subject:Publication of e-GPF Account Statement for the year 2021-22.
Summary:1. e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22 can be downloaded from Pr. Accountant General’s website
(https.// on and from 15/08/2022.
2. No physical copy of GPF statement would be sent to any HOO/DDO.
3. Process of registration of Mobile no.
4. Process of downloading of e-GPF account statement.

View Order: e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22

भारतीय लेखा तथा लेखा-परीक्षा विभाग
प्रधान महालेखाकार (लेखा एंहक), पश्चिम बंगाल
Indian Audit And Accounts Department
Pr. Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal

No.: FM/CH-III/GPF Statement/2022-23/out-18 Date: 11.08.2022


Subject: Publication of e-GPF Account Statement for the year 2021-22.

In order to facilitate easy access to the annual GPF statement as well as to provide better service to the GPF subscribers through the use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and also as green initiatives by this office, the printing and despatch of annual GPF statement were discontinued since 2020-21. Instead, e-GPF statement with QR code and facsimile signature were introduced for viewing or downloading by the individual subscriber. Henceforth, no GPF Account Statement would be sent to any HoO/DDO and therefore there is no requirement for sending requisitions for issue of GPF statement to this office.

Now it is to inform that the closing as well as processing of the annual GPF statement for the accounting year 2021-22 has been completed. The annual e-GPF statement for the year 2021-22 will be available for view and download in soft copy (pdf format) from Pr. Accountant General’s website (https.// on and from 15/08/2022.

It is to reiterate that the downloaded e-GPF annual statement from the Pr.A.G. website for the year 2020-21 onwards will be valid for all purposes relating to GPF. The authenticity of the data as available in the printed e-GPF statement can be verified by scanning the QR code affixed on the top right-hand corner of each e-GPF statement. The QR code can be scanned using any smart phone having QR code scanner App. The details of the information that can be obtained on scanning the QR code have been detailed in Annexure A (attached).

An individual subscriber having registered mobile number with the GPF database of AGWB office would be able to view/download and print the e-GPF statement using his/her log-in credentials. The subscribers whose basic information along with mobile number are still not registered with this office may send a letter or email to [email protected] with the information (as per Annexure B) duly forwarded by the competent authority to enable activation of the log-in credentials.

A list of subscribers whose mobile number is not yet registered with this office is put up in the AGWB website (

Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Fund)


The following information (illustrative) would be obtained on scanning the QR code affixed on the top right hand corner of each e-GPF account statement. The same can be used to verify the authenticity of the e-GPF statement.

Name : ABC XYZ ;
GPF Account No. : MED/WB/12345 ;
Information : Financial Year : 2021– 2022;
Opening Balance : 2824403;
Deposit Amount : 270000;
Withdrawal Amount : 0;
Interest : 232542;
Closing Balance : 3326945.


Pre-requisites for registering into the Pr.AG website for download and viewing of GPF account statement.

a) Full Name of the subscriber :
b) Entire GPF number of the subscriber :
(i.e. including Prefix e.g. ADM/WB/12345)
c) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :
d) HRMS id :
e) Mobile number :
f) E-mail id (if any) :

In order to view e-GPF Account Statement, all of the above information need to be registered with the O/o. the Pr. Accountant General (A&E), W.B.

In case the above information has not been registered with this office the same is to be sent to this office in the following format. The information can be sent by post or to the dedicated mail id [email protected] as mentioned in the circular.

Proforma for Request to register a subscriber in the GPF Application of Pr. AG (A&E) W.B.

Sl. No.InformationDetail
1.Full Name of the subscriber
2.Full GPF number (ADM/WB/12345)
3.Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
4.HRMS id
5.Mobile number to which SMS alerts to be sent
6.E-mail id (if available)

Signature of Head of Office

Step by step instructions on how to view/download e-GPF account statement from the Pr. AG website.

  1. Log onto the Pr. AG website
  2. Go to Online Services GPF GPF subscriber login.
  3. If the subscriber is already registered in Pr. AG website previously then he/she should straightaway put his/her GPF series, GPF number, DoB &Password and login after putting the image code as visible on the screen.
  4. If the subscriber logs in for the first time then he/she should go to the link ‘Forget Password?’ and in the next screen put GPF series, GPF number and DoB and after putting the image code click on SUBMIT button. He/she will get an OTP in his/her registered mobile number. After putting the OTP in the next screen he/she can proceed to set own password according to his/her choice. The minimum criteria for password are mentioned in the password screen. Once the password is saved successfully, he/she will be able to login in all subsequent occasion.
  5. The GPF account statement is available under ‘GPF Accounts Statement’ under the subscriber dashboard.

Download this order [PDF, from Source]

e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22
e-GPF Statement for the year 2021-22

View How to download GPF Account Statement for the year 2021-22 (Year ending 31/03/2022)


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