
Grant of provisional pension for the State Govt. employees

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch

No.213-F(Pen) Dated, Kolkata, the 12th June, 2020.


Subject: Grant of provisional pension for the State Govt. employees facing delayed process of pension due to Lock-down situation related to Covid-19 outbreak.

In view of prevailing unprecedented Lock-down situation due to outbreak of Covid-19, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to state that the Governor has been pleased to decide to extend the provision of Memo No.3267-F dated 22.04.1976 read with Memo No.10000- F, dated 13.09.1982 of Finance Department to the cases where the pension papers have not been submitted to the office of A.G.(A.E.), W.B. due to Lock-down situation.

The head of office may sanction provisional pension in respect of all Government employees belonging to Gr. -A, B, C and D categories, who are otherwise eligible for pension in terms of W.B.S. (D.C.R.B.) Rules 1971, on the terms and conditions as laid down in the Memo No.3267-F, dated 22.04.1976 read with Memo No.10000-F, dated 13.09.1982.

However, the documents pertaining to every single case would be furnished by the respective Head of Office / P.S.A. to the A.G.(A.E.), W.B. for necessary issuance of PPO at the earliest opportunity and all other relevant rules and regulations are duly being strictly adhered to for the necessary purposes.

O.S.D. & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

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One Comment

  1. I retired on 31.01.2020 and my service book & pension book submitted to AG Bengal dated on 4th March, 2020 My department MEE & Library Services. But till now I don’t get any amount. I want to know my pension status.

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