Service Rules

Nomination Rules for Govt Employees of West Bengal

Welcome! In this post showing Nomination Rules for Govt Employees of West Bengal. General Provident fund or GPF maintained by AG WB.

Nomination Rules for Govt Employees of West Bengal

⇒ A subscriber shall at the time of joining the Fund, send to the Accountant General, a nomination in prescribed Form [FIRST SCHEDULE, Rule 8(3)] conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund, in the event of his death before that amount has become payable, or having become payable has not been paid.

⇒ For more details please  see rule 8 of G.P.F.(W.B. Services) Rules and G.O. of W,B, No. 10005-F & 10004-F dt. 22.11.1985.

⇒ A subscriber is requested to go through the following instructions before resubmitting the nomination form :

i.The name and full permanent address of the nominee should be noted in column-I of nomination form.

ii. The nomination may be submitted in printed form revised under Govt. of West Bengal, Finance Department notification No. 10004-F dated 22.11.1985, first schedule, [see rule 8(3)].

GPF Nomination form for West Bengal Govt employees
GPF Nomination form

iii. The relationship of the nominee with the subscriber and not of the subscriber with the nominee should be noted in column-2 of the nomination form.

iv. Column-5 should not be filled in with the words “on the nominee predeceasing the nominator” i.e. death of nominee should not be mentioned as Contingency.

v. In the case of a subscriber having no family, column-5 should be filled in with the words “on my acquiring a family” as defined in rule-2 of the G.P.F.(W.B. Service) Rule. For married     subscriber where spouse is the nominee, contingency may be written as “legal separation between the subscriber and the nominee” and/or “remarriage of the nominee”, and where son/daughter only is the nominee, contingency may be written as “in the event of the nominee’s becoming insane”.

vi. A subscriber with a family cannot nominate a person who is not a member of his family. A subscriber with a family consisting of more than one member is also debarred from nominating a person who is not a member of his family as an alternative nominee. Column-6 of the form should be filled in with the name, address, and relationship of alternative nominee including a share in the absence of which the column should be filled in with the words “none at present”.

A subscriber with a family consisting of one member only may, however, nominate a non-family person as an alternative nominee. But in such a case-specific cause to the effect that power conferred upon the alternative nominee will cease as soon as another family member is acquired, is to be inserted in column-6 of the nomination form below the name of the alternative nominee.

A subscriber having no family can, however, nominate any person he may choose. The reasons for nominating any person other than the family members should be indicated.

vii. The date of signature of the two witnesses should not differ from the date of signature of the subscriber.

viii. The subscriber should sign with date at the place provided at the foot of the nomination form and indicate his Account No. at the Head of Form.

ix. The signature of the subscriber with date at the foot of the nomination form should be transliterated into English, if it is in a vernacular language.

x. Date and place of executing the nomination should be quoted at the space provided for.

xi. A subscriber himself/herself cannot be alternative nominee but one nominee may be the contingent nominee of the other and vice versa.

xii. All corrections and overwriting should be attested by the nominator himself/herself under his/her full signature with date.

xiii. If only one person is nominated, the words “in full” should be mentioned in column-4. If more than one person is nominated as alternative nominee, the same procedure should be followed.

xiv. Head of account in detail to which pay and allowances are debited, date of birth, date of joining, father’s/husband’s name of the applicant should be  quoted in the application form for admission to G.P. fund. For married female subscriber, husband’s name should be furnished.

⇒ A subscriber may at any time cancel a nomination by sending a notice in writing to the Accountant General and change the same by furnishing fresh nomination which replaces the existing one.

Definition of Family as per G.P. Fund Rule.


i.    In case of a male subscriber, the wife or wives and children of a subscriber, and the widow, or widows, and children of a deceased son of the subscriber.

ii.   In the case of a female subscriber, the husband and children of a subscriber, and the    widow or widows and children of a deceased son of a subscriber.

More details are available in Rule 2(c) of G.P.F. (W.B. services) Rules.


View: Govt. Order for Online entry of Nomination and Family details.

View: Online Nomination in WBIFMS and Family Entry Full Process


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